The Soda Pop
MESSAGE: The Word I Speak
Matthew 12:35-37, Hebrews 4:12 Many people do not mind the word they speak out of their mouth. The bible say, that every idle word that men shall speak they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment, ( matt. 12:36) . Some of our parent they don\'t control their mouth on the word they speak to their children. Jesus says, the word I speak they are spirit and they are life. Let the word you speak to your children be word of spirit and life. Let it be a positive words, even when they are not doing well, still be prophesying good into their life and their life will automatically be transformed for good. If you have a stubborn and you keep on calling that child, you stubborn child you don\'t hear word. I tell you, that child will continue to be stubborn. In every situation always prophesy positively to it.
(Ezekiel 37:4) No matter how the situation may be, do not give up. Continue to say I know that I can make because the spirit of God is in me. I know that my children can make. I know that my wife/husband can make. I know that my brothers and sisters can make. I know that my parents can make. At this time, is not you that is speaking but the spirit of God is speaking in you, (matthew 10:20) Finally my brethren, do not be moved by what the world says about your life, but be moved by what the word of God says amberning your life. You go on continue to prophesy positive things into your life, and you will continue to see good things in your life in Jesus name, Amen.
Finally my brethren, do not be moved by what the world says about your life, but be moved by what the word of God says amberning your life. You go on continue to prophesy positive things into your life, and you will continue to see good things in your life in Jesus name, Amen.